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What to Wear to Pilates Class


Pilates is more than just a popular form of exercise. It can also help you feel empowered and can even improve your overall health. So what should you wear to a Pilates class? Pilates doesn't require any fancy clothes, but you do need the right attire to fully enjoy your Pilates experience. Check out the following guidelines for what to wear to Pilates ...... 

What to Wear to Pilates Class

What to Wear to Pilates Class

Sports Bras and Tank Tops 

A well-fitting tank top or sports bra with tights will allow the instructor to observe that your body is in the correct position. A low neckline may expose you when doing some stretching exercises. A higher chest opening versus a lower neckline may make you feel more comfortable. Because Pilates is not designed to be aerobic, a low-impact sports bra is recommended when choosing a bra.

What to Wear to Pilates Class

Double-Sided Yoga Sports Bra

Tight Pants

Leggings are more suitable for Pilates than sweatpants because the teacher needs to look at your body to check your posture while doing the exercises. Leggings of any length (yoga pants, capris leggings, cycling shorts) that fit well and are breathable are the ideal choice. Tights make sure they are not visible! Pilates classes spend a fair amount of time lying on your back with your legs dangling in the air! And for men who may be used to loose-fitting jogging pants or shorts, you can try pairing mid-length shorts over cycling shorts or athletic tights.

What to Wear to Pilates Class

High Waist Yoga Shorts

Do you need socks and shoes for Pilates?

Pilates can be done barefoot or with socks, but shoes are not required. You can obtain non-slip socks, but it is fine to wear regular socks or none at first.

A final note on what to wear for Pilates

When it comes to what to wear for Pilates, comfort and simplicity are key. Choose lightweight, stretchy and well-fitting pieces that you can easily slip into.

Avoid anything with a lot of extra bells and whistles, because Pilates is all about simplicity and you don't want to spend the entire class adjusting and fiddling with your clothes. 

Finally, enjoy yourself and don't worry too much about how you look. Pilates is a great way to move your body, break a sweat and take care of yourself.

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